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Walks near Grasmere in the Lakes
Round walk from Grasmere to Alcock Tarn (height about 370m) -
afternoon of 19th July 2008.
Ascending from Grasmere below, with Silver Howe
behind |
Greenhead Gill, north of Alcock Tarn and east of
Stone Arthur |
Approaching Alcock Tarn from the north |
Looking at Tarn from south - Stone Arthur / Great Rigg ridge behind |
Windermere SE in the
distance (seen above Lanty Scar) with white ferry boat |
Top of Loughrigg Fell? |
Sheep pen near tarn |
Descending towards Grasmere |
Descending in 'greenway' towards Grasmere |
Lower down toward Grasmere |
Walk from Grasmere via Rydal Hall to Ambleside
(parts walked several different times)
Walk from Grasmere to Easedale Tarn (height about 200m)
- morning 23rd July 2008 - took a fast 2.1/2 hours alone (anticlockwise route taken up to and around
View of Sour Milk Gill with southern route to
Easedale Tarn behind |
Looking down route walked up along Far
Easedale Gill (close to bridge) |
Unsightly Bridge taken over Far Easedale Beck
at NY318093 approximately |
Party ahead going further up Far Easedale
Beck towards Greenup Edge? |
Views seen following
approximately NNW from bridge |
Party ascending southern route, fairly close
to Tarn |
Looking down and across at southern route
First glimpse of Easedale Tarn |
Looking east across Tarn at low point (also seen in
previous picture) |
In need of a shearing? |
Belles Knot spire to right |
Seat Sandal capped by cloud? |
Tarn Crag reflected in lake |
Tarn Crag |
Southern route taken down by me - someone coming up |
Helm Crag |
Bathers at pool in Sour Milk Gill |
Helm Crag |
Walk from Pelter Bridge over Loughrigg Fell, height 335m, back to
Grasmere - afternoon 20th July 2008
Path up starts
to right of Fox Ghyll house (once lived in by Thomas de Quincey) |
Wood cutting near River Rothay seen near start of
ascent |
A profusion of wild flowers |
Slogging upward on a confusion of paths
through bracken |
Looking east towards Ambleside |
Mountains towards the
east. |
From top of Loughrigg Fell looking SE to
Windermere |
Down Loughrigg Fell, looking NE across
Grasmere with Helm Crag left/centre |
Curved chimney stacks |
Roof covered by sedum |
Moss covered rocky bank along Dale End road
(drying out no rain!) |
Looking towards Stone Arthur and Great Rigg
(left side of picture) |
Lichen on dry-stone wall |
Route down Loughrigg Fell seen SE across
Grasmere Lake (near sunset) |
Round walk from Grasmere to Silver Howe
Silver Howe seen from Grasmere |
View of Helm Crag, on left, while walking up Silver Howe |
Round walk from Grasmere, taking about 5 hours, via Little Tongue Gill to
Fairfield, height 873m, and back down via Stone Arthur
Seat Sandal on left, Great Tongue in valley
beyond trees |
Hay baling below Helm Crag |
Ascending Little Tongue, Grasmere in valley
behind |
Up rough scree path on Fairfield, Seat Sandal
behind and neck to Grisedale Tarn |
Dollywaggon Pike with path to Patterdale at
bottom, seen on Fairfield ascent |
Grisedale Tarn seen from Fairfield slopes
Scree becomes worse |
To right, Striding edge leading to Helvellyn, path
to Patterdale below. |
St Sunday Crag seen NE of Fairfield summit |
Hart Crag and Dove Crag to east? |
Descending SSE on ridge towards Stone Arthur |
Alcock Tarn seen from above near Stone Arthur |
Helm Crag west of Stone Arthur with sun setting |
Stone Arthur seen from road into Grasmere |
Round walk, taking about 7 hours, from Grasmere via Easedale Tarn, Sergeant Man,
734m, Mere Brook, Calf Crag, Gibson Knott, and back via Helm Crag (following photos
taken after Easedale Tarn - see earlier round walk to Easedale Tarn for the
Grasmere to Easedale Tarn section)
Looking back NEE from below Belles Knot to
Easdale Tarn |
Neck crossed between Eagle Crag ridge and Belles
Knot on right |
Further views of Easedale Tarn on
ascent with Helm Crag & Gibsons Knott in mid distance with Seat
Sandal, Fairfield, Great Rigg on Skyline and Stone Arthur behind
Codale Tarn, higher up than
Easedale Tarn below, comes into view on the left |
View of Pavey Ark? to right of picture |
Sergeant Man behind as we head NNE |
Still NNE following iron fence
posts |
Broad beans growing in Tarn? |
Joining Calf Crag and following ridge route
to Helm Crag |
Grasmere in middle with Windermere, behind
Loughrigg, in distance |
Far Easedale Gill below - quicker valley
route SEE into Grasmere |
Easedale Tarn comes into view |
Helm Crag - the organ player? |
Gibsons Knott ridge to right, Far Easedale
Gill in valley |
The Howitzer on Helm Crag |
The Lion and Lamb? on Helm Crag |
Grasmere below Helm Crag |
Farms seen on descent of Helm Crag |
Some pictures around Grasmere