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Index of Walks in or near Picos de Europa in Spain in October 2018
on Holiday with Alpine Overland (of Colne, Lancashire)
Generally three walks were done on each day so only about a third of walks done are photographed here.
Walk Grades are - 'A' - strenuous / 'B' Moderate / 'C' Easy - full description of grades are given in Alpine Overland Brochure. The three leaders led walks of all grades.
Brief sketchy walk descriptions only are given hereunder- refer to your own detailed maps / guide books if planning to walk these routes
4th October 2018 (Thursday) - 'A' Grade Walk - start NE corner of Lake Enol, ~NE to Visitors Centre 'Pedro Pedal' ~ SE passing disused mine - Buferrera, ~SSE past Lake Ercina, ~ESE passing farming huts to View Point at El Hitu, turn E then NE to Refuge Hut (REF. VEGA DE ARIO). Retraced walk on same route to start - Leader Hilary Bell
5th October 2018 (Friday) - 'A' Grade Walk - Cordinanes, road & footpaths ~N to Cain, Footpath (track for old hydro-electric scheme maintenance) perched on 'very high vertical' sides of Cares Gorge ~N then ~E to Poncebos - leader Keith Sutton
6th October 2018 (Saturday) - 'C' Grade Walk around coastal town - Ribadesella on the Rio Sella (saw Ermita de la Virgen de la Guia / old town Quarter etc) - leader Hilary Bell
7th October 2018 (Sunday) - 'A' Grade Walk - from main road (some distance West of Trescares), started up minor branch road generally West up to Careves, continued to Col at 826m, continued to Arenas de Cabsales - leader Hilary Bell
8th October 2018 (Monday) -'C' Grade Walk- start at Oseja de Sajambre on old track / unpaved road to Soto de Sajambre, return on newer paved road through road tunnel to Oseja de Sajambre - leader Peter Walker
9th October 2018 (Tuesday) -'C' Grade Walk - all walking groups visited the Hermitage Covadonga before their walks started. The coach took the 'C' Grade walkers to the Rio de Sella and the party walked along it back into Congas de Onis to our hotel - leader Kieth Sutton
10th October 2018 (Wednesday) - on our return drive from Congas de Onis back to Santander for the ferry, we stopped doing three sight-seeing strolls at San Vicente de la Barquera, then Santillana then in Santander itself
Access to walks generally by coach - which had conveyed walkers down England then across on a ferry to Santander in Spain. But where roads were very narrow & twisting, not easily driven on by coach, local micro-buses had to be sometimes used.
See earlier Holidays taken with Alpine Overland: using links here:
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