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2020.04.13 ** a 'social distancing' solo walk  - Burncross - Crown & Cushion PH on Burncross Rd / Chapel Rd SK343962, ~W up Burncross Rd & thru Low Hall Wood to cross the A61 Rd at ~SK329966, FP ~SW up to Bar House, cross Woodhead Rd, toward Hollow Farm, ~S along edge of  Wharncliffe Chase into Wharncliffe Woods, find route (see note*1) to Transpennine Trail (where parallel to Railtrack running ~N towards Deepcar / Stocksbridge), cross rail track on Bridge in Todwick Wood at SK302948 into OAL, find & follow informal path ~N between Railtrack & River Don, just past Holmes Farm, cross bridge over River Don & follow Ewden Beck up to A6102 Rd, follow rd ~N for ~200m (see note *2) then then turn up ~WNW on road to Bolsterstone, take rd ~S from Bolsterstone but at ~ 300m branch off SE down to Ewden Village, continue on rd between More Hall & Broomhead Resrs, turn ~W on path on South side of Broomhead Resr, ~400m from Reser wall turn ~S thru Fox Hall Wood to cross skew across Rocher Bottom (a rd), continue ~N up to Walkers Edge (a road), follow ~E (above White Lee Farm), turn ~S past Swan Cottage continuing on winding road to join & follow Bolsterstone Rd ~SSW, turn off ~E on Onesacre Rd & follow, cross Onesmoor Bottom (a rd) and continue ~E on Lumb Lane, turn ~S & pass ~E below Onesacre, turn ~S downhill then ~E to Oughtibridge, cross River Don and follow Oughtibridge Lane ~E, cross narrow road / rail Bridge & turn ~N along tracks, turn ~E beyond Works & join Barnsley Boundary Walk ~N, join Transpennine Trail ~E to Parking Area on Woodhead Rd, find & join Sheffield Country Walk ~ENE down to Chapel Rd (turning ~N back to Crown & Cushion.


*1 - while going West along Southern Boundary of Wharncliffe Chase seems a more direct route to the Rail Bridge (in Todwick Wood) the slope down to the T.P.Trail is very steep.  Joining the T. P Trail further South (closer to Oughtibridge Lane) at SK314937 would seem to be safer although a longer distance. On this walk I started one way & then compromised reducing slope distance.

*2 - my original intention was to follow the Permissive Path on the south side of  More Hall Reservoir - however access down the private access road to the Parking Spaces had been closed - probably due to the virus crisis. I therefore rapidly decided to follow the public roads up to Bolsterstone and through Ewden (rather than taking the parallel higher FP to Bolsterstone)

path in Low Hall Wood
horse seen on route up to Bar House
Bar House on Woodhead Road
Hollow Farm with Wharncliffe Chase  behind
sheep in Wharncliffe Chase
on boundary of Wharncliffe Chase - note dried out mud churned up by walkers & horses?
Walkers path outside southern boundary of Wharncliffe Chase. Illegal use by motorbikes visible in some places.
The Chase boundary wall - quite high to prevent deer leaping over. No deer for many years?
as above
Beech trees in front of pine trees
bridge over rail track in Todwick Woods (SK302948)
Wharncliffes Side behind
The rail track is still apparently used for steel to / from Stocksbridge's remnants of steelworks? (Previous common use of a crossing direct over rail tracks at SK301956 giving access to the steel Bridge over River Don (close to Holme Farm) has not been permitted for some years despite its convenience as access to / from the Wharncliffe Woods from the Sheffield / Stocksbridge Rd A6102) and the buses on this route. Because of this the above Todwick Woods Bridge is now more used for access but is far less easily accessible.
The River Don

The bridge over The River Don close to the point Ewden Beck joins it.
The River don downstream of the
Ewden Beck seen from the Road from Sheffield to Stocksbridge / Manchester
seen from the road up to Bolsterstone- a fine garden with More Hall Reservoir below and the embankment of  Broomhead Reservoir above to right.
looking back at More Hall Reservoir - embankment & spillway just visible at left end. To right woods, presumably cleared of pine, to be replanted with deciduous trees?
Broomhead Reservoir's Embankment
Old Free School
as above
Farm & Moor Land visible above at the West end of Broomhead Reservoir
Farm on Yewtrees Lane
front view of farm house & buildings (earlier seen from behind)
seen from the road down to Ewden Village
Road along More Hall Reservoir closed at both ends
glimpse from road of typical house in Ewden Village
sheep grazing on Broomhead's embankment
upstream side of Broomhead's embankment
steps in Fox Hill Wood from path on south side of Broomhead Reservoir
well worn / eroded path - now a ditch - up to Walkers Edge (road)
the west end of Broomhead Reservoir. Salter Hills with wood at top.
Heads Lane at top with farms just below
Broom to south of Walkers Edge - in front of White Lee Moor (described as such on map but actually a plantation) 
White Lee Farm
interesting old Way Marker
track behind comes down from Spout House Hill
Swan Cottage
Looking North - Bolstestone on right side of trees at top. Yewtrees Lane runs down to left. Road taken down to Ewden branches off it to right.
Winhill Pike top left, Strines Reservoir behind with Dale Dike Reservoir in front.  Also in picture Tower to left of Strines (commonly called Boots Folly) and Wheel Stones at top right on Derwent Edge. 
Agden Reservoir
three reservoirs (Strines / Dale Dike / Agden) now in one view
Edgemount House
Lumb Brush & Coumes Vale Plantation
Spout Hill House at top?
Hill House?
Zoomed into over valley at Wharncliffe Farm behind at top left, Wharncliffe Lodge and Barn on edge in front of Farm. Steep slopes fall down from Lodge. Wharncliffe Chase in part at top.
Wharncliffe Side
Swinnock Hall hidden by surrounding trees
Onesacre Hall mentioned in the Doomsday Book
as above
as above
Low Fold Farm
part of Oughtibridge

allotments in Oughtibridge
The Cock Inn
The River Don downstream from the Oughtibridge Lane bridge over it
The River Don upstream from this bridge
Oughtibridge Hall? on Oughtibridge Lane. Not easily seen from Oughtibridge Lane which is lower down.
The Works - not operational for original purpose - note tree growing out of chimney.
The rail track to Stocksbridge - original platform at Oughtbridge - was the house part of the station infrastructure?
Cattle at Barnes Farm above Chapeltown / Burncross
zoomed in to Keppel's Tower

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