homepage  -  Day Walks Index 2010 - contact me at

4th April 2010 (Torside P&D car park, steeply up & then along Bleaklow north edges to Grouse Butts, to & along Near Black Clough, Bleaklow Head & Wain Stones, NW to airplane crash site then down to Long Gutter Edge? down to Torside - Leaders Geoff Truelove & Terry Davidson both part time Peak Rangers - Sunday)

Walker seen in Wildboar Clough which we crossed. Behind the areas before Black Hill
Fine hail / snow
'Near Black Clough'
Cairn at Bleaklow Head
Kinder north edges seen across valleys
Wain Stones (The Kiss)
Pock marks possibly from aerial target practice?
Pegs - used for pinning down netting and vegetation reclaiming exposed peat bog areas
Rare white heather seldom seen - the common purple heather is usually seen

homepage  -  Day Walks Index 2010 - contact me at