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2022.01.12 Hathersage Rlwy Stn SK233.810, ~N thru
Parking area and Church to A6187 Rd SK231.815 in village, ENE 80m down
Besom Lane, Northward down Baulk Lane for about 1.5km to Birley
Lane & 150m E passing Bronte Cottage & turning NNE up to North
Lees House & Farm, then ENE up to PC on road, ~N thru Stanage
Plantation continuing to & up Stanage Edge, ~E to join Long
Causeway and continue to Stanage Pole, continue ~ENE down L.
Causeway (passing woods) to touch Redmires Road, ~SSE for ~200m and
cross Fairthorn Clough, then Eastward passing near edge of three
Redmires Reservoirs ('Upper', 'Middle' & 'Lower'), at East end of
Lower Reservoir, take FP S ~80m continuing ESE / E / S / ESE to
join Fullwood Head Rd (nr Knoll Top Farm), continue ~S turning E
into Fullwood Lane, then turn S to pass thru Brown Edge Farm and
then turning SW to boundary of OAL, FP ~ ESE for 60m then
turn S for 500m to cross Ringinglow Rd at ~SK279.835, continue ~S
to Ox Stones, then ~SSE for ~750m to join Houndkirk Road at
SK283.825, follow H.K. Rd ~SE then SSE for total of 1km to SK277.817 and
take FP ~W crossing Burbage Edge and Sheffield Country Walk
and continue to FB over Burbage Brook at SK263.814, continue W
(but pass Carl Wark Fort on it's North side) and (Sheepfold on
it's South side), turn SSW and then pass ~W thru Winyards Nick for ~160m,
cotinue thru OAL ~SSE then ~W to reach road (just above Whim
Plantation), ~40m N on rd then take access road then FP NW towards High
Lees, ~W on wavy path then access road for ~750m to A6187 Rd at
SK.234.819, ~80m S on rd then FP ~W / NNW to & then SSW down
Back Lane to Station Approach Rd. Leader John Taylor - 17 on walk -
about 12 miles - Wednesday
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2)) Hathersage main street. Besom Lane skews between two
buildings |
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6) Hathersage Parish Church seen from Baulk Lane |
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7) Hathersage alloments asleep for the winter |
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8) still on Baulk Lane |
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23) Cow Close Farm? |
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25) Brookfield Manor |
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29) Bronte Cottage - seems too modern to have been visited by
the Brontes? |
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35) Approaching North Lees |
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38) North Lees closer up |
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40) North Lees -seen from north |
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42) part of Stanage Edge at top |
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45) North Lees again |
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48) up towards the access road below Stanage & PCs |
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56) part of Stanage Edge |
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70) tea break below Stanage Edge |
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72) looking along Stanage Edge to west |
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75) Hope Cement Plant at back. The wood is Dennis Knoll
where 'Long Causeway starts |
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77). On Long Causeway |
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78) looking behind (zoomed into) Winhill Pike to right and
further behind Lose Hill? |
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80) Stannage Pole to the side of Long Causeway |
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81) Redmires three reservoirs below us |
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83) all three reservoirs visible - 'Upper' closest to us,
'Middle' with bridge structure to tower, 'Lower' reservoir to
right |
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87) on Long Causeway walking down towards the 'Upper
Reservoir and Redmires Road |
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90) The Upper Reservoir and Tedmires Road |
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92) Control + to enlarge on most PCs |
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93) we followed yellow path below reservoirs to east of
Lower Reservoir then turned south for 60m before continuing on
lower green FP's |
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102) The Middle Reservoir - not full there has been work
done here for some years and hoprfully it is filling up? |
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105) one of possibly more spillways from Middle Reservoir
into 'Lower' reservoir |
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113) path along reservoirs not entirely flat |
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116) Canada Geese shelter away from the reservoirs |
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120) looking from a height (somewhere on the footpath
towards Knoll Top Farm) - up the Lower Reservoir and at the
Middle Reservoir embankment with some water behind it. The upper
reservoir embankment is further behind (is there also a glimmer
of water visible?) |
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125) Knoll Top Farm |
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127) Ox Stones |
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129) lunch break on Houndkirk Road |
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134) Houndkirk Road |
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144) from below Burbage Edge looking toward Carl Wark Fort
to left anf Higger Tor to right |
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147) down towards the Footbridge over Burbage Brook |
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150 Group on Footbridge |
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155 Higger Tor |
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162 have just passed through Winyards Nick |
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171Over Owler Tor at back |
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177 zoomed in to Over Owler Tor |
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185 Over Owler Tor top left, Millstone Edge at top. Whim
Plantation to the right side of picture near road. The Access
road we are on goes to Scraperlow - we turned off well before
it. |
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186 Scraper Low (house)? |
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194 similar to picture 185 |
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197 Afternoon tea break before descending to Hathersage |
homepage - Daywalks
Index 2022 - contact me at