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2021.08.18 - Wednesday - COACH RAMBLES AT BOLTON ABBEY -
Sheffield Ramblers first coach rambles since Covid ( 'A' Ramble led by David
Hogg, and 'B' Ramble led by Simon Gray).
The 'A' Ramble - Parking Area
at Bolton Abbey at SE071.540, ~E crossing B6160 Rd, then ENE crossing
River Wharfe on pedestrian Bridge at SE075.542, path ~NNE (away from River
edge) touching Access Rd and continuing along River to 'Wooden Bridge',
turn ~NE away from bridge to Access Rd following it NW then N, but continue on
track ~N along Posforth Gill, turn ~E South of and well above the
lower Waterfall, continue NNE along The Valley of Desolation
& cross FB, continue to enter OAL at SE082.574, ~N on track up to
Long Crag and turn WNW to sharp bend in track at SE077.590, but leave
track on path ~N / NNE thru Truckle Crags & turn ~N up to Simon's Seat
(Trig Beacon 485m high), path ~WSW then SW past Grey Stone,
continuing on edge of OAL, then follow track starting at SE069.588 down
~W (well below How Beck) to pass Howgill at SE063.592, continue to
Firbeck Bridge SE060.593 on Stangs Lane but do not cross - continue W
to Dales Way and follow SSW along River then ~S to and across Barden
Bridge, follow river roughly South / Eastward (now not on Dales Way) to pass
under another bridge at SE057.568 & rejoining The Dales Way, continue
past The Stride diverting down to the river to see the river rock
formations at SE064564, continue along the river passing the 'Wooden Bridge'
near cafes etc, and follow river then path up to Cavendish Memorial,
follow road ~WSW then S & join path S to the remains of Bolton Priory (and the
active Priory Church of St Mary and St Cuthbert), return to parking area and
coach. We then drove to Ilkley for supper before returning to Sheffield.
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1 walking from the parking area to the footbridge crossing The
River Wharfe |
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2 glimpse of the ruined Abbey |
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3 The Hall at Bolton Abbey |
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6 heron |
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7 footbridge across The River Wharfe which we used |
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8 Heron |
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9 heron caught in flight - no time to put up tripod |
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10 stepping stones alongside the footbridge |
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12 a Money Tree - probably started to support Chancellors of the
Exchequer short of funds? |
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22 Waterfall on Beck running through The Vale of Desolation
- we passed higher up to its right |
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27 Footbridge marked on map crossing Beck in Vale of
dessolation |
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29 in Vale of Desolation |
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30 fungi |
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31 heading after the Vale of desolation towards Open Access
Land and Simon's Seat |
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41 Trig Beacon on Simon's Seat |
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42 a scramble up to the beacon |
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44 beyond the beacon |
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45 stone slabs packaged for path resurfacing work |
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46 the path base awaiting slab laying |
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50 probably Fir Beck seen below |
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51 down on edge of OALto path branching off to Howgill and
Stangs Lane |
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59 a break above Howgill |
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61 the River Wharfe (upstream of Fir Beck) - we turned round
and went downstream correcting error |
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67 Barden Bridge which we crossed over The River Wharf |
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71 a further Bridge someway downstream of Barden Bridge - we
passed through opening for a path through it. This Bridge is on
the Dales Way which changes the side of the river |
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73 the river rock bead is eroded with smooth cavities at
Strid |
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78 The ruined Abbey in sight seen from the other side |
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80 the footbridge we crossed at the start of the walk -
stepping stone just visible |
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81 Cavendish Memorial -The
Cavendish memorial fountain is a
drinking fountain erected
in 1886 at Bolton Abbey, North Yorkshire, England as a
memorial to Lord Frederick Cavendish following
his murder. The fountain is a Grade II listed building.
The Phoenix Park Murders were the fatal stabbings
of Lord
Frederick Cavendish and Thomas Henry Burke in
Phoenix Park in Dublin on 6 May 1882. Cavendish was the newly
appointed Chief Secretary for Ireland, and Burke was the
Permanent Undersecretary, the most senior Irish civil servant.
The assassination was carried out by members of the rebel group
Irish National Invincibles, a more radical breakaway from the
Irish Republican Brotherhood. |
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84 Priory Church of St Mary and St Cuthbert |
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85 tomb stone probably laid flat to avoid danger of toppling |
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86 the tombstone of a Knight / Crusader? |
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87 see also picture 3 |
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