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2020.09.20** solo social distancing walk. Start Acorn Inn (SK338962) ~WNW up Hall Wood Rd (B6546) & thru Low Hall Wood up to the A61, ~NNW along A61, at SK328968 cross road to join FP 'winding' ~WNW to Hazleshaw Farm and continuing to Smithy Fold, access road ~W up to Woodhead Road (TPTrail) at SK311972, follow FP ~WNW on northern boundary of Wharncliffe Chase at SK303974 path turns ~NNW to unnamed small pond, turn SW on west side of pond and then ~W on the boundary of Wharncliffe Heath Nature Reserve to Wharncliffe Crags (SK295979), follow path southward ~SSW above W.C.Crags, Upper Rock to SK306962, then S to access rd at SK306958 and follow it S past Wharncliffe Farm then W.C.Lodge,  enter W.C. Chase & follow track circling below Browlow Rocher to ~SK313954, cross ~E over access track (which leads S to W.C.Chase boundary) thru rough land past several ponds to last pond marked by 'square' SK316955 near W.C. Chase east boundary, cross wall ~E on  'ladder stile'* to exit W.C.Chase, path ~N to Hollow Farm, then E / ENE to Hallfield Head Farm, N then E around farm to cross Woodhead Rd (TPT) at Bar House, path down ~NE toward the A61, cross A61 ESE into Low Hall Wood & retrace route to start. - Sunday. *note - ladder stile has one rung missing (and a rotting leg may break) & is awkward to cross - possibly return & use W.C. Chase southern access?

4 zoomed into a distant estate
5 Hazelshaw House
7 sheep near Smithy Fold
8 signs of Autumn on the East side of Wharncliffe Chase. West side later seen to be less advanced
9 on Smithy Farm
11 zoomed into distant operating power plant (mist clouds issuing from cooling towers)
12 Passed this entrance into Wharncliffe Chase (on its northern side)
13 farm on west bank of River Don Valley (fairly close to Deepcar?)
14 path on the north side of Wharncliffe Chase
15 Forestery works in progress
16 heavy plant used on forestry works
18 small unnamed pond on map. Working group - all with dogs?
19 Wharncliff Heath local Nature Reserve. Contro / + to enlarge - but may still not be easy to read. Small pond shown on map.
20 Not sure how bracken is controlled?
21 Stocksbridge bypass to left
24 enlargement of farm on picture 21
25 looking down Stocksbridge valley at some parts of the old steel plant.- Underbank Reservoir just visible at end
26 Wharncliffe Crags
27 climber belayed - but no top belayer?
35 Broomhead Reservoir behind, More Hall Reservoir in front
36 Wharncliffe lodge to right 9barn to its left)
37 zoomed into fowl on Wharncliffe Farm
39 Brownlow Rocher?
41 Mallard ducks? No colourful drakes
44 Hollow Farm
45 Tree pipit?

homepage - Daywalks Index 2020 - contact me at