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2020.08.23**a solo 'social distancing walk - Parking area in Eyam SK216767, ~N on road then track up to rd at Highcliffe, ~W then ~N then W on road to PH at Bretton Mount, road (with views N&S) ~W to Hucklow Edge, take fork in rd toward Great Hucklow, but after 150m at SK184779 turn SSW on FP to and thru Rose Farm, continue on rd ~S to join Silly Dale at SK182772, ~S thru S. Dale, then BW ~SW to Stanley House, FP ~S to / thru Wardlow Mires, ~W on A623 Rd for ~60m & cross rd onto FP ~W in Cressbrook Dale (heading in valley below Peter's Stone), *BUT at sign board at SK178755 I followed Dry Stone Wall in OAL ~SW / WSW along edge of farm fields plateau to pass well above & away from Peter's Stone, but walking space behind dry Stone Wall ran out then descended very steep slope using poles and traversed ~S then SSE to rejoin path & ascended to edge at SK176745, ~E to B6465 Rd at SK181745, ~250m N on road, ~E on FP past church to road junction at SK190748, Rd ~SE to SK193745 then track ~ESE to 'pond' SK196744, circle on FP south of pond to join BW at SK207740, ~N to Black Harry Gate, ~NNE on Black Harry Lane turning ~NE thru Dalton Quarry to cross A63 Rd, ~NNE up Eyam Dale (road) into Eyam, ~W past church, ~NE past Eyam Hall, ~N back to parking.

* not recommended if - not used to scrambling - or without poles

1 Eyam's museum opposite the two parking areas and the PC's
2 climbing up north - first a road section then a track
4 looking down into Eyam
5 Two worked out Dalton Quarries seen South behind Eyam. My route back to Eyam later took me between the quarries and over the the A623 road hidden below
6 seen from the Bretton / Eyam Edge roads
7 looking northward at Abney with moor land behind
9 The Barrel Inn to right
10 push 'control' / + to enlarge & read
12 looking back towards The Barrel Inn. The Tower behind is just off Sir William Hill 'Road' (not a paved road)
13 looking south towards Foolow. Bradshaw Lane runs down from Bretton
14 zoomed East into Black Hole Mine
15 looking northward at Grange Farm / Abney Grange
16 another view of Black Hole Mine and Eyam Edge above it
17 Footpaths closed in dangerous old mining area - hopefully will be re-opened some day
18 The road on Hucklow Edge splits shortly up towards Camphill Gliding Field and down towards Great Hucklow. We took footpath South thru Rose Farm
20 Ponies
21 Rose Farm
23 a ram on its knees in Silly Dale after a tough season?
26 Wardlow Mires ahead of us with Wardlow behind and Wardlow Hay Cop at top to right
27 Stanley House to left, Peter's Stone in middle. Mires Road (with Littonfields) on right turns off to Litton from the A623. My route in Open Access Land to the left took me along the edge of the fields and dry stone wall above the slope to left above Peter's Stone
28 a part of Silly Dale
31 at the back of Stanley House - ploughs like this drawn, by animals or tractors, are now replaced by ploughs hinged at the back of tractors so that they can be raised when finishing a row and changing direction.
32 zoomed into Peter's Stone
33 Stanley House
34 see picture 27 - road to Litton
35 looking back at Stanley House
37 The A623 road - Mires Road turning off towards Litton (pictures 27& 34)
38 a barn in Wardlow Mires
39 The Three Stags Heads near Wardlow Mires on the A623 Road
40 approaching Cressbrookdale. The usual route follows to the right below. At the signboard I followed the path climbing up to the left in OAL
41 looking ahead to the right as I climbed up
42 looking behind as I climbed up
43 looking down on Peter's Stone
44 cattle in fields seen from path behind drystone wall
45 looking down into Cressbrook Dale
46 zoomed into footbridge at the bottom of Cressbrook Dale- dry below but stream flows below in winter
47 looking back at 'heights' in middle above Peter's Stone. I cut thru diagonally down from top to join as high as possible usual path climbing up.
49 another view down Cressbrook Dale. Litton at top in distance, Tansley Dale joins to left at back
50 passed on the way East toward Wardlow
52 taken from footpath running East behind Church
53 camping 'Staycations' during the Covid-19 period
55 Bretton Edge to North in distance
56 reeds in dried out / reclaimed part of pond  - but still danger of Quicksand elsewhere
62 Black Harry Lane followed climbs up diagonally to right
63 'Rough Side' to East of Black Harry Gate
67 a path to Cavendish Mill follows below bank - (not taken on this walk)
68 Black Harry Lane with Eyam behind in distance
69 dewpond
70 cow & rather large calf
71 warning of rain to come (arrived 2pm at Eyam just as walk completed)
73 Eyam Church tower just visible to right of path
74 disused Dalton Quarries
75 Limestone cliff along the A623 road below Eyam
77 Eyam Dale House
78 Primary school - note rainbows - symbol of hope during Covid-19 period
79 Eyam Parish Church
82 Eyam Hall with Stocks in front

homepage - Daywalks Index 2020 - contact me at