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2018.11.15 ** Malin Bridge, Bridge (SK325893) over River Loxley on Stannington Road, cross road & follow River Rivelin (~SSW at start of trail), pass many mill sites on way to Rivelin Mill Bridge (SK289872) - return same route (or take other possibilities). Note - not all Mills passed as in one spot detour to incorrect side of the river was taken and also missed some other sites - pond / pond remnants might also be misplaced.

Malin Bridge Corn Mill - now converted into residential accommodation?
The River Loxley taken upstream next to the Corn Mill
The River Loxley and River Rivelin merge together here and pass under.the bridge in front which takes Rivelin Valley Road. 
Signs placed by Rivelin Valley Conservation Group - RVCG

not clear what this structural remnant is?
this bridge taken crosses the River Rivelin
these stepping stones not taken on walk - look a bit precarious with one larger gap


Pond at Hollins Bridge Mill?


Jason Thomson's sculptured chair
incorrectly crossed this bridge to the right and missed some 'mills' - should have gone straight on
River seen from the above bridge


main route to see 'mills' is on the far side
buildings seen from Rivelin Valley Road where it crosses the river

the 'goit' a channel which takes water from the river to a 'millpond' / wheel is seen here on the left - on the right is the river







heron seen in same spot on return trip





another Heron


stone wall for this millpond - some others are earth banks

'goit' to left


walked across narrow wall

crossed these stepping stones





apparently in at least one spot water carried to millpond in a tunnel?

packhorse bridge
same packhorse bridge seen from above



'goit' defined here
taken on return journey from here on

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