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A celebration dinner for Tony Allsopp's eightieth birthday (16th August 2017) was held on the 22nd August at Cosmo attended by fellow Sheffield  Ramblers.

The dinner was organised by Linda Cooley with the assistance of others

The cake was supplied through Angie Shaw

The presentation picture - painted by Tony Beresford - was obtained by Gillian Manasse 

Some kind words were spoken by Gordon Pursglove

Photographs by David Hogg (with mention on picture, if taken by others) - if readers have other pictures please contact me - some can be added. Editing of pictures done by Tony

Sincere thanks to all the above fellow Sheffield Ramblers

Thanks also for the group birthday card and also for many cards sent by others

All photographs by David Hogg unless otherwise noted






picture painted by Tony Beresford (photographed by Tony Allsopp)

Photo by Leonie Wood

homepage - Day Walks Index 2017 - contact me at