homepage - Day Walks Index 2017 - contact me at

2017.08.13 - In search  of Onesacre - Acorn Inn at Burncross, up Hall Wood Rd & thr woods to A61, cross rd at FP before old PH, Hazleshaw Farm, Smithy Fold, cross Woodhead Rd,  Wharncliffe Heath Nature Reserve, ~ WNW after pond, tunnels under rail track(s), cross River Don, Deepcar, Carr Rd, Bolsterstone, dwn to & around West end of More Hall Resr, FP then track then road up to White Lee Farm, Rd to Peat Pit & Bent Hill Farms, Lumb Lane, Green Lane, Onesacre, dwn Coldwell, Oughtibridge - solo - Sunday.  - rev2019.01.19

picture added - taken 2019.01.13

homepage - Day Walks Index 2017 - contact me at