homepage - Day Walks Index 2016 - contact me at

2016.11.27 - Oughtibridge Millenium Green, Sensicall Park, Wheel Lane, E of Ones Acre, Delf Hill, Glen Howe Park, Swinnock Hall, Brightholmelee, More Hall Reser., Broomhead Reser. (S / W / part N), W of Waldershaigh, Head Lane, The Heights survey beacon, Peg Folly & Green Lane Tracks, Cross Lane, Underbank Reser. then Lane, Steel Valley Walk (below A616 Rd), Fox Valley Centre, Manchester Rd. - leader Lynn Oxlade - Sunday

in Sensicall Park (just behind Church Street on North)
allotments behind as one leaves Sensicall Park
Sensicall Park
looking back towards Oughtibridge
Swinnock Hall
looking across River Don valley at Wharncliffe Woods
barn (seen from afar) in need of reconstruction?
on road towards barn
More Hall Reservoir behind trees
More Hall Reservoir
Bromhead Reservoir embankment with spillway
Broomhead Reservoir
West end Broomhead Reservoir
a detour to see two streams running into culvert and then into reservoir
climbing out of Broomhead valley
a glimpse of Waldershaigh
cautiously negotiating the mud on a cattle track
looking back towards Bolsterstone (church just visible)
survey beacon at The Heights
Stocksbridge steel mills apparently now largely in disuse?
Underbank Reservoir
crossing spillway to reach embankment
waving from opposite sides of the spillway
on track of  Steel Valley Walk
Fox Valley shopping centre
Christmas gear

homepage - Day Walks Index 2016 - contact me at