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2016.04.27 - Bolsover Castle, New Bolsover Model Village, Carr Vale Nature Reserve, Peter Fidler Monument, under M1 motorway, Hall Farm, Sutton Scarsdale Hall, Hall Farm (again), Long Course Farm, SW of Arkwright Town, old mine rail track, Brimington Common, Chesterfield. - leaders Leonie Wood & David Kayley - Wednesday  


Bolsover Castle photographed from bus.
leader briefing walkers
New Bolsover - double horse shoe model village below
Bolsover Castle built in the 17th century by the Cavendish family on the site of a medieval castle.
New Bolsover - built largely through the efforts of Emerson Bainbridge for colliery workers
on life's merry-go-round
Bolsover Castle behind New Bolsover Model Village
Carr Vale Nature Resort
Peter Fidler 1769 to 1822. Quoting from above plaque - He was the first white man to write of cactus in Canada, of coal in the prairies and to report the famous Athbasca Tar tar deposits. he was also a Geographer, Cartographer, Meteorologists, Ethnologist, Botanist, Astronomer, Diarist, Linguist, Horticulturist and devoted husband to his Cree Indian wife and father to their 14 children.
Bolsover Castle behind
under the M1 motorway
Sutton Scarsdale Hall - apparently once rivalled Chatsworth?
zoomed in from afar through window opening onto bas relief
Hall Farm
Rhodesian Ridgebacks?
Ropers Honey
unseasonable snow shower
Sutton Scarsdale Hall
a view of Long Course Farm through which we later walked.
Sutton Scarsdale Hall stripped in the 1920s due to an 'economic downturn'. Not sure which political party was responsible?
back through Hall Farm
Bolsover Castle zoomed into (across the unseen valley through which the M1 motorway passes)
Long Course Farm
solar farm
Spring - despite unseasonable snow showers
Horse Chestnut about to flower
The former Arkwright Town a colliery village. The mine closed in 1988 but the village was threatened by methane gas and it was moved in 1990. Opencast mining followed in the area of the old village.
Blue Bells - not sure if these are authentic British ones or offshore imports

carved sculptures in woods
advice required as to how to avoid flying golf balls - is this a hard hat area?
St Mary and All Saints Church in Chesterfield with crooked spire
Riverside Village Fossil sculpture by Liz Lemon & constructed by Manthorpe Engineering. Similar fossils found in this area
replica train ticket 1841

North Midland House

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