homepage - Day Walks
Index 2016 - contact me at
2016.03.06 - Fox House, Longshaw Lodge, White Edge Moor,
Lady's Cross, Bar Brook, Big Moor, Stone Circle, Sheffield Road, Gardoms Edge,
short of Robin Hood PH, Dobb Edge, The Hunting Tower, Emporer Lake, Swiss Lake,
Beeley Hilltop, Beeley Lodge, Edensor, New Piece Wood, Calton Pastures, Manners
Wood, Bakewell - leader Andrew Irwin - Sunday
Fox House |
Higgar Tor |
Longshaw Lodge |
White Edge Lodge |
Lady's Cross |
breeched reservoir on Bar Brook |
small reservoir further down on Bar Brook |
a thin skimming of ice in part |
walking through a stone ciscle |
mound above stone circle |
taken near confluence of Bar & Blake Brooks |
hikers behind heading towards Wellington Monument |
on Gardoms Edge |
Baslow below |
E R initials |
Nelson monument seen on birchen Edge |
Moorside Farm |
Birchen Edge behind Moorside Farm |
moors behind Chatsworth |
Foot bridge over Heathy Lea Brook |
Hunting Tower at Chatsworth |
Emperor Lake |
Swiss Cottage reflected in Swiss Lake |
Beeley Hilltop |
Beeley Lodge? |
disused mill |
Chatsworth House |
Edensor |
pond at top of Calton pastures before descending to Bakewell |
homepage - Day Walks
Index 2016 - contact me at