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2016.02.03 Malin Bridge, River Loxley, Storrs Bridge Lane, across Loxley Rd, Loxley House, across Myers Lane, Low Ash Common, short of Holdworth, Spitewinter Farm, Kirk Edge Rd past Convent, North across Onesmoor, Onesmoor Bottom, Lumb Lane, Brittains Plantation, High Bradfield, Cliff House Farm, Kirk Edge Rd, Burnt Hill Lane, Burnhill Farm, Worrall, Stockarth Lane, Middlewood Rd to tram - leader Angie Shaw - Wednesday

River Loxley to right. Mill head race / pond to left?
remnants of old works
Olive House?
at Rowel Bridge (which we did not cross)
disused industrial buildings? awaiting demolition?
the odd couple - swan & goose? seen together on earlier walks
Old Wheel Farm?
old derelict brick? works awaiting demolition?
dilapidated Claremont House?
'duck pond' passed earlier
crossing Loxley Road
Loxley House
a few missing from picture
broken Convent wall
across Onesmoor
entering Brittains Plantation
stile gnawed by hungry horses?
farm above High Bradfield
entering High Bradfield
Church at High Bradfield
Agden Reservoir?
Newish Barn? at Cliffe House Farm
Agden Reservoir again
Onesacre in distance - mentioned in Domesday Book 1086
old barn in Worrall

homepage - Day Walks Index 2016 - contact me at